Even though you can’t do anything about lowering the price of natural gas this winter, there are still some simple things you can do to save on your heating bill. Here are a few tips:n
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- Reduce thermostat setting.nIn order to lower your heating costs, reduce your thermostat setting to 68 degrees. Putting on some extra clothes and blankets will make you comfortable while saving on your heating bill.
- Set up a programmable thermostat.nProgrammable thermostats reduce your home’s temperature at night and during the day, making your home warm when you wake up or return from work.
- Have your furnace filter changed every month.nBlocked furnace filters decrease the efficiency of the heater by obstructing proper airflow through the furnace. You can always call our team of experts and we will change the furnace filter in no time.
- Have furnace “tuned up” every year.nClean and tune your furnace every year. This allows the heating system to operate safely and economically. New furnaces may not be cleaned and tuned for the first couple of years.
- Let sunshine in through the windows facing the south.nOpen curtains on the south side of your home on winter days and close them at night. Low sun angles allow plenty of solar heating through all south windows.
- Check and replace if needed weather stripping on windows and doors.nAir leaks through damaged weather stripping on windows and doors can make your home drafty, consequently increasing heating costs. Examine your doors and windows for drafts, and then fix or replace worn stripping.
- Use kitchen and bath vents to the minimum.nBath and kitchen vents push moisture, along with heated air, outside. If it is dry at your home during the winter, you do not have to use these vents at all. But if there is condensation on your windows, employ the vents only when needed to get rid of cooking and bathing moisture.
- Lower the thermostat setting on your water heater.nKeep water in your water heater at comfortable, warm temperatures. You do not extremely hot water for a bath or shower.
- Limit hot water use.nLimiting hot water use results in lowering of your heating bill. Take short showers using low-flow showerheads; this will save both water and energy. Set your washer to cold setting and repair any leaky faucets at your home.
nIf you take these simple steps, you will see the difference the next time you receive your heating bill.