Reasons Why to Drain Your Water Heater

Drain your water heaternnAs a home or business owner you should have heard about the necessity to drain your water heater on a regular basis. So you know that to be true but you might think – “Why should I drain my water heater, if it is working properly?” In this article we will try to answer that question and discuss the reasons why draining your water heater is so important. Read to know more about the benefits of flushing your water heater and the reasons why you should leave this serious job to the expert contactor.nnTo put it simply – if you want a constant flow of hot water at your home or business facility, lower energy bills and longer term of service of your water heater, you should flush the unit at least once a year.nnWhy you need to drain your water heater.nnWater heaters need flushing because sediment starts accumulating inside of the water heater tank over time. Hard water is usually the cause for forming the sediment, which naturally contains calcium carbonate and magnesium minerals in it. That sediment will eventually sink to the bottom of the tank and hinder the accurate operation of the burning element. This can result in the following problems:n


  1. Heat transfer is slowed, the water heater overheats and this results in the deterioration of the tank
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  3. The energy efficiency of the tank is lowered and energy bills are increased
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  5. When water in the heater gets under the sediment and turns into steam bubbles that intensely collapse, this causes a loud crackling noise
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  7. The water heater doesn’t heat properly, allowing various bacteria to grow in the tank
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  9. The sediment takes up space in the water heater and doesn’t let your water heater to be completely filled up with hot water
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nDraining the water heater can be compared to changing the oil in your car. Not only the tank water heater requires maintenance and draining, the tankless water heater also needs regular maintenance for its great operation. In conventional water heaters the sediment builds up in the tank at the base. In case with tankless water heaters, the sediment will accumulate in the heat exchanger and interior piping, gradually narrowing the openings. This restricts the amount of water flowing in the heater. As a result it works harder, requiring more energy as well as more time to heat the same amount of water.nnA Tip to ConsidernnHowever, you should remember one crucial point – it is a great idea to remove the sediment from your water heater but if you have never done it in the last 5-7 years, flushing your water heater will cause certain problems – one of them is developing a leak. This happens because sandy particles which collect at the bottom of the tank slowly displace water. Hot spots are formed instead. The flames overheat the tank and begin to break down the steel. After so many years this breakdown becomes a tiny hole that is filled with the debris and sediment, which often prevent the leak from developing. Consequently if you suddenly decide to drain your water heater after many years of not doing so, the sediment that has been plugging that tiny hole is flushed out and a few days later your water heater springs a leak.nnTrust the professionals nnNo matter if your water heater is new or old, do not attempt to drain it yourself. Trust the professionals like the experts from South OC Plumbing Heating & Air Conditioning to do the job for you. We will consult you on your water heater drainage and help you do it correctly. Do not hesitate to call us!