A new generation of owners
The arrival of so-called Millennial generation is one of the key trends of 2016 and following years. Presently these people are in their 20s and 30s, they start buying homes, launch entrepreneurial businesses and play a progressive role in the U.S. economy. These young adults usually picture their future more optimistically, when they settle down and start planning a family. The desire to be an owner of the property as well as the financial stability provided by homeownership will attract them into the housing market. This means a continued demand and increase in new residential and commercial construction. Consequently plumbing and HVAC contractors can expect a positive economic climate in 2016-2017 that will result in more orders for new construction plumbing.
New Construction Plumbing is Gaining Popularity
Considering the fact that more building projects are being managed by plumbing contractors, new construction plumbing is gathering pace, introducing new plumbing trends and fads. A long time ago high-tech in plumbing was cast-iron drains and brass supply pipes. Nowadays the mentioned materials (in majority of homes) have been replaced by polyvinyl chloride plastic, copper, and flexible cross-linked polyethylene, also known as PEX. However, in spite of the pipes material eventually the plumber’s skill determines the excellent (or not) operation of the plumbing system. Just think about it – one improperly installed joint that starts leaking can cause thousands of dollars’ worth of damage. An undersized, faultily sloped drain will constantly clog. And supply pipes that aren’t secured every 6 feet or so will rattle and bang every time a water tap is off.
Building a brand new residence is always exciting, but remember that new construction plumbing is not just about following the right codes and rules. A new plumbing system accurate installation is crucial for your new construction project. Planning and installing it as quiet, efficient, and free of leaks is something of an art. That’s why it is important how a good plumber arranges pipes and valves, avoids wasting material or weakening framing, and takes care to wipe joints dry and clean.
Trust the Professionals
Any residential or commercial building’s plumbing system is complicated and consists of different pipes, parts, and plumbing fixtures. It is vitally important to choose reliable and qualified professionals for your new home construction project. The plumbers should take time to understand the project’s requirements that would allow them to perform excellent work, ensuring the functionality and long service of the new plumbing system.
At Orange County Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning the plumbers obtained over 50 years’ experience in residential plumbing as well as new home construction. We are able to plan and install all the needed components for your home’s plumbing system. You can rest assured that it will be installed correctly and operate at the highest efficiency level. Our knowledge and expertise can exlude any construction delays and extra expenses. For more information about how we can help you with your upcoming new construction project, reach out to us at Orange County Plumbing Heating & Air Conditioning today.