In case of your air conditioning system failure, you can either repair or replace it. You might have changed your AC filter and done all the necessary maintenance checks on time, but your AC system still breaks down over and over again. This happens simply because your AC might have been serving you for too long.
A choice whether to repair or replace your AC system will determine if you should spend money to fix your existing system or invest in a completely new, more efficient one. At Orange County Plumbing Heating and Air Conditioning our team of experts will gladly help you make the right decision as well as take care of all your AC repair or replacement needs. Some of the warning signs that will let you know that it is time for a complete AC replacement:
- The need for frequent air conditioner repairs, especially when those repairs get more expensive with every time. Of course, you can patch up your AC whenever it breaks down, but it won’t be long until you would have to replace it completely.
- Temperature changeability is another sign that it may be time for AC replacement. If some rooms at your home can’t stay cool while other rooms are releasing too much air, you may face one of three problems – air conditioner malfunction, poor insulation, or the duct work issues.
- An aging air conditioner is the most common reason that indicates that people need air conditioner replacement. Most air conditioners are not designed to last more than 10 years. When you AC is more than 10 years old, replacing it has a number of benefits such as increased energy efficiency (meaning lower electric bills), improved indoor air quality, and decreased carbon emissions.
Orange County Plumbing Heating and Air Conditioning offers a full package of services on AC replacement. Contact us today.